Speech Samples

Out of all the speeches we’ve written over the course of the semester, I’ve chosen to revise my motivational speech on food safety regarding bacterial infections resulting from Enteritis Salmonella and E. Coli. This issue is especially important to me because as a consumer, I have both concerned and disturbed over the multitude of mass recalls due to contaminated foods in the past years. Surely food safety should be of the utmost importance, especially if we take into account that every day 12 Americans die from illnesses associated with food contamination? I also chose this speech to revise because it was also the speech I was most dissatisfied with in regard to my delivery of it to the class--I knew I could do better.

To improve it, I made sure to speak slower to avoid tripping over words, and to pause in the appropriate places, such as the beginning and the end, where I used pathos in telling the audience about Alex’s story, to let it sink in. Based on feedback I’ve received on previous speeches, I also tried to vary my tones more to appropriately rely the seriousness of the situation that’s occurring in our country. After doing these, I feel as though I've really been able to improve the way I deliver this speech--and hopefully I'll be able to effectively use them in my next speech as well.